HRO shall have a human resources policy that contributes to the company's goals, safety and well-being in the workplace, and provide development opportunities for the individual employee.

No employee shall experience discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion or spirituality, and we shall treat each other with respect and trust.

HRO's motto is "we'll be your first choice". The client is always in focus - regardless of the size of the project or whether the client is internal or external.

The code of conduct is a part of, and must be seen in context with, other documents within the company's HSEQ. Documents such as notifications, conflict management, harassment and bullying, guidelines for the use of drugs and gambling, crisis management, etc.

The former «Personalhåndboken» is now an integrated part of the company’s HSEQ-documentation, and shall be a living document, present in all departments of the company and further developed in collaboration with employee representatives in the AMU. It will ensure fair treatment that remains in line with corporate guidelines.

It is a prerequisite that each employee is «fit for his/her work», this implies for example that one possesses the necessary certificates/approvals, is reliable and appears professionally to customers, suppliers and colleagues. Employment relationship may be affected if an employee causes an accident or is being investigated or prosecuted for criminal matters by the authorities, especially if the matter is of nature that the employee's necessary credibility and/or reliability fade.

Governance documents, procedures, instructions and procedures are electronically available to all employees by logging on to with your personal user name and password. In addition, key documents, eg. Drivers HandBook are to be disclosed in writing.

Each HRO driver’s folder is personal, and shall be present within the vehicle while the driver is on duty for HRO.

The Driver’s HandBook (with the exception of personal documents) are part of HRO’s health-, environment-, safety- and quality system (HSEQ), and is thus available electronically at «KMV» (via personal log-in) at

KMV is HRO's preferred HSEQ system and contains routines, instructions, and documentation. All KMV documents have a unique ID-number.

This individual Driver’s Hand Book is a tool for the driver in his/her daily performance. The personalized portion contains contract with HRO, company information and documentation frequently requested at control points by the police, Statens Vegvesen and/or Arbeidstilsynet.

The Driver’s Hand Book is given to all new drivers, and will be audited annually.

HRO has implemented an electronic HMSK-system which ensures that all documentation is available from a PC or smart phone. We use "KMV" (Kvalitet og Miljø på Vei) through NLF (Norsk Lastebileier Forbund) which is the branch standard for NLF members. All our employees have a personal login to the electronic system. In addition all our drivers have access to our Driver's Handbook with the most relevant documents to transport and road traffic.

HRO has also established a practice of registering all undesired occurances in our app-based deviation system. All deviations, accidents, near misses or potential improvements are registered on our smart phone app and saved in a database for further action and review, as well as allowing us to continually improve our work quality.

Direct link to KMV med personal login